Newton OS can only handle WIFI with WEP encryption. Therefor I use an rapsberry pi thats routes my WPA2 WIFI to its ethernet port. You can then just hook an messagepad or emate via ethernet to the pi and have a kind of mobile solution.
first of all you need some hardware:
I am not a professional, so there are certainly better instructions on the net. I also do not take over any liability for possible damages.
Step 1: install Linux
Download the Raspian Buster Lite image and flash it to the SD-Card.
There is a good tutorial on raspberrypi.org.
Step 2: prepare Linux
Hook the pi to a monitor / keyboard or simply just use ssh.
Setup wifi connection with sudo raspi-config
Update your system with sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get upgrade
Copy the wifi-to-eth-route.sh script to /usr/local/bin
Edit the script with sudo nano /usr/local/bin/wifi-to-eth-route.sh
. Change the IP-adresses to your system. The script uses server=
(Google) as DNS-Server. Just change it to your own DNS-Server (maybe if you like. I did!
Make it executable with sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wifi-to-eth-route.sh
Step 3: start routing
All you have to do is to execute the script bash /usr/local/bin/wifi-to-eth-route.sh
and your WIFI connection will be routed the ethernet port.
If you like, add the script with sudo nano /etc/rc.local
to the autostart of Linux.
Just add bash /usr/local/bin/wifi-to-eth-route.sh
to the file and add in the line before exit 0
Reboot and done.
Step 4: setup your messagepad
install the ethernetcard and setup the internet connection on your messagepad. Use DHCP as IP and everything will work fine.
future ideas: